Sealcoating is a simple and economical approach to protect and enhance the life of your driveway. Blacktop surfaces (asphalt surface) and concrete surfaces are especially susceptible to damage, both from changing temperatures and from car traffic. Regular driveway sealing protects your driveway so that it will last longer and sustain less damage.

What is Sealcoating?

Sealcoating is applied on asphalt or concrete to provide a protective layer from elements such as water, oils, and ultraviolet rays. Sealcoating mixtures are typically available at most hardware stores, but you’ll get the best results by hiring sealcoating professionals with the experience and know-how to get it right.

What are the Benefits of Sealcoating?

  • Sealcoating the driveway seals small cracks, preventing them from becoming huge splits, helping maintain your driveway’s durability.

  • It helps conceal stains and rough spots. The dark shade of recently applied sealant improves the look of asphalt, making your driveway look brand new.

  • Sealcoating shields asphalt from the sun and the adverse effects of chemical spills including oil and gasoline on a driveway or parking lot.

  • Sealcoating acts as a water-resistant agent and reduces the rate of water entry into the asphalt to a minimum. Applied correctly, sealant will make your driveway look cleaner as rain quickly clears dirt and waste from the smooth, non-porous surface.

  • The beautiful dark surface produced by sealcoating is perfect for painting lines and different markers on parking lots. It’s flexibility can help a parking lot or driveway withstand heavier traffic over a longer period of time without damage.

  • The smooth surface makes your driveway easier to clean.

  • Regularly sealcoating your driveway saves you money because your driveway is protected from the damage that causes big and expensive repairs.

How Often Should You Reseal Your Driveway?

The best time to reseal your driveway is during the fall or spring seasons. But how often should you reseal your driveway. Here are a few things you might want to think about. It’s important to consider the climate you live in, the condition of your driveway, and whether your driveway is made of concrete or asphalt.


With a concrete driveway, sealcoating is recommend once every five years, except in colder winter regions. If you’re starting to see cracks or damage on your driveway, you might decide to reseal it sooner to provide greater protection.


If you have a brand new asphalt driveway, it’s important to let it dry and cure completely before applying sealant. Asphalt is normally more prone to damage from changing temperatures, water, and traffic. So after the curing process is complete, a sealant should be applied promptly to protect it. Consider repairing your driveway once every 2-3 years when you live in a place with a lot of changing temperatures.

So will sealcoating make your driveway last longer? Definitely! But only if it’s done right and your driveway is properly prepared for sealcoating. Call in a professional to make sure you receive all the benefits of regularly sealcoating your driveway!

How else can you benefit from sealcoating your driveway? Find out in our next post!

Does your driveway need protection? Learn why our sealcoating services are the best choice!