You want your home to look beautiful and welcoming all the time! Something that will help with that is regularly maintaining your driveway. Sealcoating protects your asphalt, helping it to last longer. And it gives your driveway that dark, polished look that everybody loves. But what is sealcoat made of? How often should you get it done? Find out the answer to these and many other frequently asked questions about sealcoating below.

What is Sealcoat Made of?

Sealcoat is composed of asphalt bitumen. In order for it to become a thick spreadable liquid, it’s heated up to temperatures higher than 240 degrees. There are also synthetic sealcoats available that don’t require any heating.

Why Sealcoat?

Over time, your driveway is exposed to harsh elements like heat, freezing temperatures, snow, and rain. The asphalt can become discolored and cracked in several areas. Car oils, algae, mold, and other substances sitting on your driveway can slowly eat away important components causing it to crumble.

How can sealcoating help? Sealcoating acts as a shield for your driveway. It protects it against the elements and substances that can easily damage asphalt. How does that benefit you? Not only will your driveway look great, but you’ll also save money on preventable repairs. Your driveway will last much longer so you won’t have to replace it for many years.

What About Cracks?

Sealcoating isn’t designed to fill cracks. So before we sealcoat your driveway, we’ll use a crack filler as part of our preparation. The flexibility and adhesive properties of crack filler make it ideal for preventing re-cracking. 

How Can I Prepare for Sealcoating?

Remove all vehicles, dumpsters, and equipment from your driveway. We can provide driveway preparation services so that you don’t have to worry about a thing. We’ll clean your driveway professionally and thoroughly. And we’ll do minor crack repairs before applying sealcoat.

After Sealcoating, When Can I Walk or Park on my Driveway?

Usually, you can walk on your driveway again in 2-4 hours. But we recommend you don’t drive on it for at least 24 hours. This will the sealant enough time to fully dry and cure.

I Have a New Driveway. When Can I Get it Sealed?

At the very minimum, you’d want to wait 90 days. This will give your driveway time to fully dry and set. But it’s not unusual to wait for 6 to 9 months.

What is the Best Time of Year to Sealcoat My Driveway?

Sealcoating depends on good weather to dry and cure. So before you schedule a sealcoating service, make sure rain isn’t forecasted for the next couple of days. Additionally, temperatures have to be above 55 degrees overnight. So the best time to sealcoat your driveway is usually April through October.

How Long Does Sealcoating Last?

The industry standard says you should reseal your driveway about every two years. However, our driveways last four years. This is because of the method we use (a combination of brush and squeegee application).

If Any Sealcoat Get on My Lawn, Will it Harm the Grass?

We’re very careful in how we apply sealcoat so it’s unlikely that it will get on your grass. But if it does, it won’t harm your lawn. And your mower will easily get rid of any sealer the next time you mow.

What needs to be done to prepare your driveway for sealcoating? Find out in our next post!

Trying to decide which sealcoating company to go with? Find out why we’re the #1 sealcoating company in Pasadena, Maryland!